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Encrypted paywall
Bitcoin encrypted paywall tool, allows you to create payment lock on files or a text message where user need to pay the assigned amount of Bitcoins to access the content. File content, file names and all messages including descriptions are encrypted in the browser. The service does not have access to content on its servers, so your media data is completely protected with AES encryption. Service charge flat rate fee 0.0002 BTC for each sale. Files and media data under 200MB hosted for free within 1 year. Files greater than 200MB hosted for free for 72 hours.
Create password*
A password is required to encrypt your files and messages. All information is encoded on the client side (browser), Paywall service does not have access to your data on backend servers. We recommend using the automatically generated Javascript password.
Digital goods title*
Title is required and visible without payment. Minimum 5 symbols.
Description is optional and visible without payment. You can add text and preview image file (jpg/png/svg no more than 5MB).
Payment options*
The payout address is the address to which the Paywall service forwards received payments. Forwarding payments takes place after 1-3 confirmations of the buyer's transaction. The buyer gets access to the locked content after first confirmation. Paywall service charge flat rate fee 0.0002 BTC (forwarding tx miners fee included).
Locked content*
Locked content available only after payment received. You can add multiple files (limit 10 files, use archiver if you need more), links and text message in this partition.
Paywall link
The Paywall link has a built-in password. Encryption password is part of this link after # character. All web browsers use URL standard. According to this standard, the part of the URL after the # character is an optional fragment. This fragment is only used on the client side(navigation on page) and web browsers do not send this part of the link to the server. Paywall service never knows or gets a password for server-side content. Decryption occurs only on the client side in the browser.